2012年9月17日 星期一

I might need a trip

I might need a trip. Suddenly I find mysef still in lost. I thought I have found my direction of life since I got a fabulous job, met a pretty girlfiriend. Everything seems on a right track. But now I have a strong feeling that I'm nowhere, nothing firm, and don't wanna go any whrere. I just want to stop and think, a deep, calm, thorough think. A trip might help. A trip could help me run away my current life, get rid of hat I have or say what traps me now. I just need a environment that no past, no current, but future. I really need a runaway trip.

2011年4月24日 星期日

Ian Curtis and Labrador



相同的經驗發生在從小跟我一起長大的Canaan Dog身上,差不多開始拒絕進食兩個禮拜就走了。

不明白生物怎能逆著原始求生的本能等著死亡,就像從不明白Ian Curtis怎能打著逆向的領帶站在冰塊上,慢慢的向這個世界道別。Is it a ceremony? Or just want to make his last song "Ceremony" more legendary?



2011年4月17日 星期日

Umbrella in the corner






2010年10月1日 星期五






久而久之 如古典制約理論所說

音樂一起 回憶就起 跟隨的是無聚焦的眼神 回憶的旋渦

過去的雖已過去 還殘有緬懷的價值

The Fauns - Come Around Again

2010年6月23日 星期三

Quick Playlist 2010/06/23

1. This Time - Johnathan Ryhs Meyers
2. Road Meets Sky - The Fauns
3. So Here We Are - Bloc Party
4. 1979 - The Smashing Pumkins
5. No Surprises - Radiohead
6. Same Lies As Yesterday - The Meeting Places
7. One With the Freaks - The Notwist
8. Soon - My Bloody Valentine
9. On Your Own - The Meeting Places
10. Where Damage isn't Already Done - The Radio Dept.
11. Little Lover's So Polite - Silversun Pickups
12. Placebo - You Don't Care About Us

The motive which makes to create this playlist is the song Road Meet Sky by The Fauns. The amazing tone of the intro guitar riff shocked me when I was listening to it the first time, so I started to collect several songs with great guitar tone. I'd like to say that I will never be tired of listen to this kind of songs, so I've played this list for dozen of times in recent days.

By the way, as to This Time by Johnathan Ryhs Meyers, it's not about the guitar tone, it's about the lyrics. Sometimes a sentence can make you have the brave to go for a challenging journey. And it really did on me. I think the slideshow before my death must be going to be very exciting, LOL.